Frequently Asked Questions
We do hope that you enjoyed watching the tour of your new school online and that you are feeling excited about starting St Mary's soon.
Below, we have put together some frequently asked questions that you may be sat at home thinking about. If we have missed anything, please do let our school office know and a member of the Year 3 team will answer this for you.
What happens in the first week?
In the first week, we will help to settle you in to life at St Mary’s. We know there are lots of new things for you to understand – it’s difficult for everyone, but we help each other through it. We know it will feel even more strange this year as for lots of you it will be the first time you have been in school for much longer than just the 6 weeks summer break. You’ll get to learn about your class and the adults that work with you, learn where everything is at St Mary’s and begin to do some year 3 learning!
What are the teachers like?
The teachers at St Mary’s are lovely! Every member of staff wants all children to be able to attend school safely and happily, all of the time. All of the teachers and pupils follow our school value of ‘One Family’ and we all work together to ensure that we create a loving and happy environment. Our school has so many happy children in it because we always ensure children do everything possible to show courtesy, care and kindness; and be the best they can be.
Do you have Friday Fun?
No, we do not have Friday Fun at St Mary’s but we do have class treats. Class treats are earned by each class after they have received 100 class points. You can earn class points for lots of reasons such as good behaviour, working hard and acts of kindness. These can be rewarded individually or as a class. When you reach 100 class points, you will get to decide, as a class, what you would like your treat to be! Examples of class treats could be crafting, baking or pyjama parties!
Are the toilets near the classroom and when are we allowed to go?
The Year 3 toilets are situated next to Dickens class and Conan-Doyle class and are only a short walk along the corridor from Austen class. Your class teacher will give you a tour of the school on your first day so try not to worry too much about finding them. You should aim to use the toilet before school, at break and at lunch – but we know that this may take some getting used to. We’ll help you with this.
Where do we have lunch? What kind of food is there?
We’ll help you know where to go and when, when you start here. Some children have a hot school meal and others bring a packed lunch from home. If you have a hot school meal you will eat in the lunch hall and packed lunches will eat in their classroom. You will have 30 minutes to eat and 30 minutes to play outside with your friends.
The hot school meals work on a three-week timetable which include, chicken korma, roast chicken, cheese & tomato pizza and fish & chips!
Do we have to ask to eat our puddings?
No, you do not have to ask to eat your pudding. As you become Year 3, we know that you will be responsible when eating your lunch and only eat your pudding when you have finished your main meal.
How many playtimes do we get each day?
Throughout the day, you will have three opportunities to play on the playground. We have a break in between our morning lessons from 10:30am - 10:50am and a lunch break at 12:15pm – 1:15pm.
Do we get fruit each morning?
At St Mary’s, we ask that you bring a healthy snack into school each day which you can enjoy during break time. As we are a healthy school, you will need to bring in a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or even some cut up vegetables. You will keep your fruit snack in your bag and take it out with you onto the playground.
Can you choose who you sit next to at lunch?
Yes, but this will be limited as we stagger the lunch time so we can fit everyone in safely and comfortably. Your class will get called in all together, and there will be other classes eating at the same time as you.
Do you have any quiet areas in your playground?
Yes, we do. We are very lucky to have such a big playground and outdoors area. On our playground, we have the gazebo and also out willow bench which are both great places to go if you just want some quiet time to yourself. We also have a Friendship Stop where our Peer Mentors will be should you need anything.
What sports do you play?
We have great facilities for sport including a big hall with fixed wall bars and a range of gymnastic equipment, 2 netball courts, and a sports field. During your PE lessons you will get the chance to do fitness, invasion games, gym, dance, hockey, swimming, rounders, athletics, tennis, netball, tag rugby, cricket & basketball and more! There is also a number of after-school clubs involving sports and the chance to get selected to represent the school in a number of events across a wide range of sports.
What will my class be called?
At St Mary’s, all of our classes are names after famous people who were born or lived in Hampshire. In Year 3, our classes are Austen, Conan-Doyle and Dickens class. Do you know what these three people have in common? What is the link?
Do we get homework?
Homework is set each week on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. Typically, you would be expected to read your reading book, learn spellings and practice either your maths or English skills. We may also set you a bigger topic homework which is usually fun to do with your parents.