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Church of England Junior School

Year 6 Homelearning Up to May Half Term 2020

To parents/guardians visiting this page,

We created the Year 6 packs to ensure they covered a variety of curriculum areas. The amount of learning inside each pack should fit reasonably well with the timetables that were attached to the front of each pack. If you wish to look at other areas of learning that your child is interested in, please do so. For example, we have been creating websites most recently in Year 6. Many of the children expressed a wish to continue building websites at home. Whilst this isn't in their packs, it would be something that we encourage!

Over the course of the coming days and weeks, we will slowly add information to this page which should provide support to you with learning at home. 

Please don't forget to check the English information and Maths information tabs on the right-hand side which have links to other resources we strongly recommend you use during this time. 

Away from the learning side of things, everyone in the Year 6 team would like to pass on their best wishes for the time ahead. If you require any specific support with learning, please follow the advice in the packs.

- The Year 6 team.


Music Activities - click here

Senior Choir Virtual Project - click here



Update 01.06.2020

Learning W/C 01.06.2020

Hi Year 6!

Attached at the bottom of this page is a plan for your home learning this week and you will also find links to all of the resources and documents that are mentioned in the plan.

Have a good week. Remember to email photographs of any notes, pictures, written work etc you produce while working at home, we love to see it. Remember to also keep up with all of the crafts, baking, fitness and other fun activities you have been doing at home over the last few months.


Update - 24/05/2020 - LEARNING W/C 25/05/2020

Hello everyone!

We have been really impressed by all the work we have seen this week - well done everyone! Remember to keep sending over the peace pole designs; from what we have received so far, we are going to have some spectacular peace poles. 

We are uploading a set of work today for the w/c 25/05. It provides an English and a maths task every day and there is the 'Peace Pole' project and Book Bingo to continue working on. More information about each part of the pack can be found by downloading the individual pieces as and when you need them.   

As always, if you have any queries or you need any additional support with the learning, please email the three Year 6 teachers - we are happy to support where needed. It's important you email all three of us at the same as each teacher has different availability each day.

Good luck with your learning and enjoy!

- The Year 6 team















Older updates

Update - 16/05/2020 - LEARNING W/C 18-05-2020

Hello everyone!

Thank you to all of the children (through their parents) who have emailed across their country projects. Mr Rimell, Miss Cosgrove and Mr King have been delighted to see the wonderful effort that the children have put into learning. Some amazing research has taken place and we've learnt a thing or two about many of the different countries!

We are uploading a set of work today for the w/c 18/05. It provides an English and a maths task every day and there is a 'Peace Pole' project that can be completed any time during the week. More information about each part of the pack can be found by downloading the individual pieces as and when you need them. Furthermore, we have uploaded a Book Bingo PDF - we would like each child to complete one tile from the Bingo square each day. If you wish to do more, please feel free to do so. We'd love to see the children's responses so email them across if you can! Also, there are links to different resources in the 'English information' and 'Maths information' sections which you can find on the right of this page. Different games and activities are available and can support areas such as writing, spelling and times tables. 

We know that the lockdown can be particularly challenging for young children with such a significant change to their routines. We recommend you explore the 'Emotional Well-being' section on the right if you feel your child needs any support with their mental well-being. 

As always, if you have any queries or you need any additional support with the learning, please email the three Year 6 teachers - we are happy to support where needed. It's important you email all three of us at the same as each teacher has different availability each day.

Good luck with your learning and enjoy!

- The Year 6 team

Update - 04/05/2020

Hi everyone!

As we begin the month of May, I would like to point you in the direction of our Happiness Calendar for this month - Meaningful May. This resource shares some great ideas for refocusing our minds on what really matters and gives us ways to engage with ourselves, others and the world around us! 

A photo has been attached in the download section below. Enjoy!

- The Year 6 team


Update - 28/04/2020

Hello, Year 6!

We're uploading the learning for the next two weeks ready for Monday 4th May. Like with our roller-coaster topic, we are giving you two weeks to complete this. We've included a timetable for yourself and your parents along with our learning expectations. Have fun, think carefully and work hard. Do your best and enjoy exploring whatever country you choose!

We hope you enjoyed watching the video put together by the St. Mary's staff. We had fun making it and we really do look forward to seeing you whenever we are able to.

As always, you remain in our thoughts all of the time! Stay safe and look after yourselves and your families.

Take care,

- The Year 6 team.


Update - 17/04/2020

Hello, Year 6!

We hope you were able to relax a little over Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate.

We have uploaded your next project for you to tackle. You are all going to become business owners and create your very own theme parks. The pack has all the instructions you will need to complete the project successfully. We tried to get all the information in one document but sadly some of the pictures haven't scanned very well and are bit tricky to read. So to solve this, we have also uploaded the powerpoint slides to help you get all the instructions you need.

As well as this, we have also set you some Mathletics tasks to complete. We will give you two weeks to complete this.  

We are thinking of you all and miss you a lot! 

Take care,

- The Year 6 Team


Update - 02/04/2020

Hello everyone,

With Easter approaching, we thought we would give you some fun activities to try. You will see that the next pack we have put together for you is a little more on the creative side; we cannot wait to see what you come up with! Feel free to get your parents to e-mail us pictures of your creations. 

Along side these activities, we have prepared some Maths worksheets for you to keep those amazing brains ticking over. The Easter pack and maths work is attached below.

Take care everyone,

- The Year 6 Team  


Update - 31/03/2020

Good morning to you all,

We hope that you are all well. A few recommendations for things to consider this week as you progress through your learning packs. If you're thinking of other things to explore as part of your learning/creative time, we have a few suggestions below.

Firstly, we hope that everyone is logging into Mathletics and having a go at the challenges on there. We have left all of the activities open to everyone so you can explore lots of different parts of mathematics. If there are areas that you're not sure about and want further support with, we would recommend you check out Maths Is Fun which we have linked to below. This resource is excellent at breaking down some of the more complex areas of maths and it often has great visual guides to support some of the more abstract concepts.    


A further resource we would recommend you have a look at is Khan Academy. Many of the resources don't require a log-in but it is free and simple to sign up to if you wish to. There are brilliant maths and science resources you can check out. Please bear in mind that the resource is an American one so when you're looking at different resources, it may say 'Grade' as opposed to 'Year'. The link is below.


Lastly, for a creative challenge, you may want to have a go at continuing with our single-point perspective artwork. We've linked to a Youtube video below which is an excellent tutorial for how to create a similar piece of work to what we were teaching in school. If you wish to share some of your creations with us teachers, please feel free to email us images of your artwork!


As always, we want you to continue reading regularly. Now, more than ever, it would be a great idea to jump into some interesting fiction to explore different worlds and different people. If you want a different selection of titles, Amazon have released a selection of stories that are free to stream on desktops, laptops, phones or tablets. The link is below. Have a browse and see what you think!


Keep safe and continue to look after yourselves. Remember, as we always say, you are Year 6 children from St. Mary's Junior School. Be the positive role model that you know you can be. Don't forget to help out at home and step up to this challenge that everyone is facing together. We know how amazing you are and we want you keep on persevering. We're thinking of you all.

- The Year 6 team


Update - 25/03/2020

We hope that this first week has gone as smoothly as it possibly can considering the extreme circumstances we find ourselves in. Now that a few days have gone by, we are hoping that the children are finding some kind of new routine that works for your own situation. If children are following the suggested timetable, that would be fantastic. However, we recognise that every home has different requirements so the Year 6 children need to fit into a schedule that fits with your life.

Over the next few weeks in school, we would have continued to look at the similarities between Old Basing and Southampton (specifically, the postcodes of RG24 7DE and SO14 1LU). You can still do this using some of the resources we would be using in school. A great website to use to make some comparisons is called StreetCheck (the link is posted below this message). Please note with StreetCheck that there is a tab focused on looking at crime. We at school would not look at this section whatsoever so please do bear this in mind when learning from home. What comparisons can you make between the two postcodes? Have a think about types of houses, the age of the population and the types of jobs the people that live in these areas have. What conclusions can we draw from these comparisons? Use Google's street view to have a look around, too! Note: we do not stereotype or pass judgement about areas based on statistics in Year 6 so please consider this when using this resource.

Also, we would have been thinking about creating aid boxes to support areas hit by natural disasters. We had started thinking about food that would be good to stockpile. This is, of course, a major issue that is currently affecting our country. Please have conversations with your children about why, for example, it is difficult to get your hands on pasta at the moment. Please encourage your children to be as involved as possible with food preparation and resourcing at the moment. What meals could they make which will last a long period of time? How can they make their food as exciting as possible?

Geography links:


Music Activities to do at home - click here

As always, we continue to think of all of the children in Year 6 and their families. We wish you all the best and hope that everyone is well. Stay safe and look after yourselves.

- The Year 6 team.


  1. Year 6 Home Learning Plan Week Beg 1st June
    PDF File
  2. W/C 01.06.2020 'Year 6 Number and Place Value Workbook'
    PDF File
  3. Arabian Nights Chapter 1
    PDF File
  4. Arabian Nights Chapter 2
    PDF File
  5. Arabian Nights Chapter 3
    PDF File
  6. Digestion Reading Comprehension
    PDF File
  7. Blank outline of human torso (1)
    DOCX File
  8. Food and Digestion ppt
    PPT File
  9. Human digestion cut and stick
    PDF File
  10. Digestion Investigation
    PDF File
  11. Islamic Civilisations Lesson 1 and 2 pptx
    PPTX File
  12. Islamic civ v Britain timeline cards
    DOCX File
  13. Islamic civilisation timeline base
    DOCX File
  14. English Day 1 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  15. English Day 2 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  16. English Day 3 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  17. English Day 4 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  18. English Day 5 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  19. Maths Day 1 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  20. Maths Day 2 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  21. Maths Day 3 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  22. Maths Day 4 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File
  23. Peace Poles - information about this inside
    DOCX File
  24. Book Bingo card
    PDF File
  25. Monday 18th May (Maths)
    PDF File
  26. Monday 18th May (English)
    DOCX File
  27. Tuesday 19th May (Maths)
    PDF File
  28. Tuesday 19th May (English)
    DOCX File
  29. Wednesday 20th May (Maths)
    PDF File
  30. Wednesday 20th May (English)
    DOCX File
  31. Thursday 21st May (Maths)
    PDF File
  32. Thursday 21st May (English)
    DOCX File
  33. Friday 21st May (Maths)
    PDF File
  34. Friday 22nd May (English)
    DOCX File
  35. Meaningful May
    JPG File
  36. Monday 4th May - Friday 15th May (Timetable for the two weeks)
    DOCX File
  37. Monday 4th May - Friday 15th May (Year 6 project checklist)
    DOCX File
  38. Monday 4th May - Friday 15th May (Balances poster to use)
    PNG File
  39. Year 6 home learning pack
    PDF File
  40. Maths challenge questions
    PDF File
  41. Maths challenge answers
    PDF File
  42. Reading answers
    PDF File
  43. SPAG answers
    PDF File
  44. Maths answers
    PDF File
  45. Easter Pack
    PDF File
  46. Easter Maths Sheets Answers
    PDF File
  47. Easter Maths Sheets
    PDF File
  48. Theme Park Project
    PDF File
  49. Theme Park Project Task 1 powerpoint
    PPT File
  50. Theme Park Project Task 2 powerpoint
    PPT File
  51. Theme Park Project Task 3 powerpoint
    PPT File
  52. Theme Park Project Task 4 powerpoint
    PPT File
  53. Theme Park Project Task 5 powerpoint
    PPT File
  54. Theme Park Project Task 6 powerpoint
    PPT File
  55. Maths Day 5 (w/c 25/5)
    PDF File