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Church of England Junior School

Olympic Week 2024

Non uniform day kick starts Olympic week!

St Mary's Olympics week has kicked off today with a non-uniform day.  Children have all worn colours of the Olympic Rings.

Olympic torches led each class into our assembly followed by flags of our sports day team colours!  The children all heard the story of Eric Liddle– a legend who truly is an inspiration to others.

Throughout the week, children will take part in a range of Olympic themed activities to earn points for their colour – who will win this year the Red, Yellow or Blue team?

Activities this week will include:

  • Olympic Games quiz
  • Olympic themed reading tasks
  • Art sculpture  project
  • Year 6 Pupils will plan and deliver an Olympic themed assembly for pupils at Old Basing Infant School and for the other Junior School classes
  • Year 3, 4, 5 children will plan and lead a carousel of sporting activities for the infant pupils who will visit us during the week

Of course, Sports Day on Thursday will be the highlight of our week – hopefully the rain will stay away!

We are looking forward to a fun week to mark the upcoming summer Olympics in Paris!