School Closure
As of 3.25pm on 20th March 2020 school is closed until further notice.
Dear Parents and Carers
Just a final reminder that in line with government guidance the school will be closed from today. This means that unfortunately education as we know it will now cease. For a small number of children, child care will continue at school. See below the governments guidance for parents on school closures:
Whilst we want to provide you with as many ideas as possible to support your child’s continued learning, and have provided you with the teacher’s emails, we would ask that you keep contact to a minimum. As far as is practical teachers will continue to post further ideas in the parents’ section of our website:
As it stands at the present time there will be no after school clubs now until at least after the May Bank Holiday – should schools reopen before this.
Computing update
In light of the school closures, it is vital that you take some time out to discuss Internet Safety with your children. A topic to discuss is the use of videos and pictures online. All devices now have not just a rear camera, but also a front camera. It is important to discuss taking pictures or videos of other people and of themselves and what happens if they are shared with others. When this happens, the picture or video no longer belongs to them and other people are able to share it. Additionally, with most electronic devices having cameras or the ability to record, children should take care when dressing and undressing, making sure they have closed down their laptops or any other electronic devices are pointing down in case they are recording. We all want everyone to be safe in this difficult time, especially when more people will be using the Internet at home. For more information or updates please head over to the St Mary's website where information can be found or click on the link provided.
Thank you once again for all your messages of support. It is a really difficult and the uncertainty is obviously causing high levels of anxiety for both children and adults. It is because of this we have added a well-being page on our How to help your child pages which we hope will be of use.
As far as is possible in these changing times we will continue to keep in contact with and would ask that you continue to keep yourself up to date with the current government guidance both online and through the news.
As it may be some time before with have the opportunity to see you again, I would like to end with this well-known blessing, which I have found helpful in tricky times.
‘May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields. and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.’
Best wishes
Caroline Welch