Summer Concert
Musical talent on show!
Yesterday saw our annual summer music concert. This concert gives lots of our pupils an opportunity to perform in front of their peers and parents. A range of musical talent was on show, from solo singers to a small brass ensemble, to a electric guitarists. It was lovely to see how far many of our pupils have come in their music lessons over the year. The concerts were a fantastic celebration of both individual and group musical talent here at St Mary’s. We are so lucky to have so many of our peripatetic music teachers willing to give up their own time to support the children with these events. Well done to everyone involved and especially to Mrs Malone for organising and directing the whole event.
This message from one of our governors who attended the concert, summed up the afternoon and evening:
An impressive range of instruments were played tonight at the Chamber Music and Solo Concert, showing the fantastic commitment from the children, Mrs Malone and all of the music staff and volunteers. I loved the mix of modern and traditional music and seeing the genuine enjoyment on the children’s faces. It really was a showcase of what you can achieve with dedication, support and practice!
Well done!
Vicky Watson - Parent Governor