Contact Us
The official name and address of the school:
St Mary's CE Junior School
Belle Vue Road
Old Basing
RG24 7DE
Access to our school
If you need to any of the following please contact the admin team on 01256 465092 who will do their best to accommodate you.
- use one of our accessible parking spaces - located close to the school
- access the site in a wheelchair
- receive information in a different format - enlarged print; braille; a second language
- sit closer to the front of an assembly due to hearing impairment then please contact the school office
- have assistance to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency
Headteacher - Mrs Gemma Lillywhite
Office Manager - Mrs Sarah Cooper
Inclusion Manager (SENCo) - Miss Jenny Bunkle
Telephone: 01256 465092
Email -
If you would like paper copies of any of the information contained on our website, please contact the school office using either the telephone number or email address above.