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Church of England Junior School

Sports Premium Impact 2013-14

What was the impact of the Sport Premium funding for academic year 2013-2014?

This is a summary of the impact of the sports premium funding for the academic year (2013-14)

How has the funding been allocated during 2013/14?


Actions taken

Impact on learning


Dedicated PE coordinator – extra responsibility

Organisation of competition entry-increased quantity of competitive sports entered and improved level of competition.

Monitoring of children’s attitudes to PE has led to modifications of planning and delivery of lessons-increased participation and enjoyment.



  • PE coordinator
  • Other members of teaching staff

Attendance at training courses which have then been fed back to staff during staff meetings. Incorporatednew activities into lesson plans-increased enjoyment for less enthusiastic pupils and awareness of effects of physical activity on health.

Dance training for all members of teaching staff and one teaching assistant.


Supply cover to enable:

  • Staff to attend training courses
  • Staff to accompany children to competitions
  • PE coordinator to organise intra-school competitions
  • PE coordinator to provide training before competitions

PE coordinator to monitor PE lessons

Experts established within school so that teams can be accompanied by the most knowledgeable member of staff-increased success in competitive sport.

More competitions entered (23) -higher levels of enthusiasm at trials and over 100 children chosen throughout the year to represent the school.

Intra-school football tournament held for upper school to allow ALL children the opportunity to compete in a sporting event-increased participation in competitive sport.

Teams provided with training before attending events-increased success in competitive sport.


(£1000 extra paid on top)

Provision of additional clubs; inclusive of club membership for less socially advantaged children

A wider range of clubs on offer, including less traditional sports such as yoga-increased participation in alternative sporting activities.

ALL children given opportunities to attend after school clubs.


Qualified coaching to work alongside teachers (currently sourcing most FOC from local clubs)

Teacher’s subject knowledge and confidence increased.

Children introduced to wider range of coaching approaches.

New sport introduced-Lacrosse.


Competition entry

Increased participation in competitive sport.


Membership of Basingstoke Schools partnership

Professional development for PE subject leader.


Resources -  both for PE and active lunchtimes

Equipment purchased to continue the delivery of new sport -Lacrosse.

Wider variety of activities available at lunchtimes-increased participation.

Older equipment updated.


Total Sports premium received




How has the funding impacted on sport and PE at St Mary’s?

  1. Increasing participation in sports outside of PE (funding used for competition entry fee, subsidising club costs and supply cover for PE coordinator)
  • 23 competitions entered since September
  • 106 children (Nearly 1/3 of the school) have been chosen to represent St Mary’s at competitions
  • Year 5/6 boys intra-school Football Tournament hosted
  • Achievements outside of school celebrated in whole school assemblies
  • Free after school clubs for those from less socially advantaged backgrounds
  • Children involved in sports outside of school increased to 72%. Almost double the national average of 40% (Ofsted Press release: Competitive school sport: going the extra mile Jun 2014)


  1. Improving the level at which we compete (funding used for competition entry fee and supply cover for PE coordinator)
  • Training provided before competitions has increased success
  • Of the 23 competitions that we have been involved in, we have secured position at the Basingstoke Finals in netball, indoor athletics and quad kids and progressed to County Finals in individual table tennis, team table tennis, indoor athletics and quad kids
  • At 11 of the competitions we had top 3 results and won 7
  • Girls Indoor Athletics Team came first in the County!


  1. Raising the personal fitness levels of all pupils (funding used for specialist coaches in some areas, supply cover for PE co-ordinator, resources to continue teaching Lacrosse, equipment to support active lunchtimes)
  • Specialist coaches used to inspire less enthusiastic pupils-Lacrosse, hockey, tag rugby and cricket
  • New sport introduced: Lacrosse
  • Taster sessions for girls cricket
  • More reluctant children interviewed to identify insecurities and fedback to teacher’s in order to modify teaching
  • Wider range of resources purchased for active lunchtimes


  1. Developing staff confidence in delivering all areas of the PE curriculum (funding used for network meetings and courses for PE coordinator and supply cover for PE coordinator and other staff members)
  • Staff meeting-‘What do we expect to take place in a games lesson?’ Including keeping children physically active for as much of the lesson as possible.
  • PE coordinator attended network meetings and courses
  • Allocated ‘experts’ for certain sports
  • Dance training day to help staff to plan for dance next year
  1. Challenging our most able sportsmen/women (funding used for specialist coaches in some areas and supply cover for PE co-ordinator and other members of staff)
  • Trials held before competitions to identify most able children
  • Teacher’s encouraged to use more able children to lead activities
  • Expert coaches used from local sports teams to identify talented individuals

(Download of this document available below as a PDF.)