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Church of England Junior School

Year 3 Music Learning at home

Year 3 – Instruments of the Orchestra Project 

Welcome to the Summer Term!

This half term we will be learning about the Instruments of the Orchestra.

Choose one activity a week to complete (see below) starting with the Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra game below. More activities will be added as time goes by. 

Initial Task

Go to this website:

Ask an adult to set you up a Login as this game takes quite a while and you won’t want to lose your progress.

Listen to the music, play the game and try and get to the end and save all the instruments of the orchestra. Don’t forget to always read the book and click to listen to all the instruments.

If you don’t have the Internet, listen to Classic FM on the radio (or the TV often has this too) and try and work out which instruments you can hear. How are they played? What are they made of? What the music makes you imagine – can you draw this?

Home Learning Tasks - CHOOSE an activity you like the look of

A choice of activities depending on what you like to do - CHOOSE ONE (or do them all!)

1. A Wordsearch (see attachments below)

2. A Powerpoint game (see attachments below)

3. A set of colouring and labelling activities (see attachment below)

4. Websites to explore:

Click here to explore different instruments of the orchestra

Click here to explore the different sections of the orchestra (needs flash)

5. Download the free ebook about the Orchestra. Information about this can be found on the  powerpoint attached below called "Guide to the Orchestra". 

6. Make your own "stand up" orchestra (or just choose a few instruments to make a band) - see attachment below for a print, cut and colour activity. Talk about how the instrument is played and what sounds it makes. 

1/6/20 SOMETHING DIFFERENT - look at the "Keep Calm and Make Music" powerpoint below



Instrument names