St Mary's Church Christmas Tree Festival
What brings us comfort and joy at Christmas time? St Mary's Church Christmas Tree Festival 2020 - Comfort and Joy!
This weekend, 12th and 13th December, sees St Mary's Church host their Christmas Tree Festival. This year the trees will all be on display outside in the church grounds between 11am-4pm. There will be lots of beautifully decorated trees to see while festive music plays and you can cast a vote for your favourite tree. voting will end end at 4pm on Sunday. Which will be your favourite? Can you find out school tree?
In our classes we thought about what brings us comfort and joy at Christmas time. For some, it is spending time with our friends and family, for others it is a warm hot chocolate by an open fire.
Some of our ideas have been made into baubles which are decorating our tree for the church Christmas Tree Festival this weekend. The other images are on display at school.
What brings you comfort and joy at this time of year? For Christians preparing for the arrival of Jesus at Christmas is a comfort and his birth brings joy.