Church Schools Cathedral Day
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On Friday 24th June, Year 6 and their teachers enjoyed participating in a Leaver’s Service at Winchester Cathedral. Upon arrival, they were greeted by an extremely noisy and boisterous Civil War soldier who explained ‘his’ place in the history of the cathedral - much to the astonishment of the hundreds of pupils gathered in the congregation! The morning continued with our pupils having the opportunity to explore their surroundings. It was delightful to see the children engaged and inspired by the wonderful, awe-inspiring building; they showed great curiosity and enjoyed learning about areas of historical and religious significance.
After a picnic lunch on the cathedral lawns, Year 6 took their places to participate in the afternoon’s service. This began with a banner procession from all the schools attending; ours was proudly carried by Maizie and Kian. During the service, which had the theme of ‘Following God’s Call’, the children were encouraged to reflect upon their time at junior school as well as looking forward to the future. Many uplifting and joyful hymns were sung. Ms.Welch also delivered the reading ‘Rejoice in the Lord Always’ from Philippians. During the final section of the service, each school was called forward to bring their donation and receive the gift of a lighted candle – Katie accepted the gift on our behalf and held it during the final reading of the Lord’s Prayer. Once again, Maizie and Kian confidently joined in the final procession of banners. It was so lovely to see many of the Year 6 parents in attendance too – thank you to all who were able to support us on the day. It was full of emotion and, as always, we were extremely proud of the excellent way in which our pupils conducted themselves and represented St. Mary’s on such a special occasion.