Successful Sports Awards
Sport is certainly alive and kicking in Old Basing
On Friday 4th March, Miss Shore and Ms Welch attended the annual Basingstoke and Deane Sports Awards. It was great to see three of our ex-pupils who had been nominated for awards. It was wonderful to see them again and to catch up with their current achievements. A special mention goes to Owen Richardson who was awarded runner up in the Junior mens category. This year the school was nominated and shortlisted for both Sporting Primary School and Junior Team categories. Much to our surprise we were awarded both trophies this year beating off some very stiff opposition. An amazing achievement - we do think it is now time to get another trophy cabinet! Last year we reached our target of involving every single child in some form of competitive sport either in school or against other schools - no mean achievement. Congratualtions go to all of the staff and children at our school - it really is a team effort. Special mentions have to go to Mrs Hilyard and Mrs Clarke for their undying enthusiasm and real commitment to PE and sport in the 2014-15 season.